2 februari 2011

Don't know how to say this:-(

Max and I saw the doctor on Monday...we still haven't got any answers on his late development, except that they have found something on a cromosome. They don't know, however, if that is the reason. Robert and I have left blood for analysis to see if we have it too.
He is now, at 18 months, at a 10-11 month old development level. And a lot of things have happened since he started crawling!!!
That was not the sad news!
No, the sad news is that the doctor strongly discouraged me to travel to the U.S with a five week old baby in June.
Of course, I should have thought of this myself... I was just busy trying to figure out HOW to do it! Thinking about it, I realize that it is taking a lot of risks with that baby, especially considering infections on the air plane and the fact that a baby does need peace and quiet. Not to mention I will have a ceasarian cut that will just be starting to be ok!
He said to really think about waiting until the baby is at least 5-6 months!

I should have thought about this from the beginning, when I first found out I was pregnant...

We will have to find another time for us to come... maybe x-mas? It breaks my heart, I was sooo looking forward to go, but I realize the doctor is right!!!

Love you and miss you!!!!

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